Wednesday, November 23, 2011

With Sincerity..

This blog is dedicated to all those at Artman Lutheran Home....One of the things I loved most about working at Artman was the unity that was expressed, the smiles that were returned, and the open arms of so many there. First, let me say I am so appreciative of the continuous reports I hear daily from my sister.  Each day she tells me that this person said "hello", and this person said "hang in there" I can envision the many smiling faces of those that express their concern.

When my sister presented me with the gift of the pink hand made prayer shawl I handled it as carefully as you would a newborn. I thought to myself how grateful I am that someone took time out and made this specifically with me in mind. Even to this day I delicately leave it beside my bed so that I may use it in the morning.

Let it be known that on this day the 23rd of November I will never forget the gift that all of you have given me with the Pink Scrapbook. I am in complete "awe" there are no words to fully describe my gratitude. On this Friday I will be undergoing my first treatment.  Even though I know this too shall pass I'm human so I'm allowed to cry. I'm a sister, a daughter, a wife, a mother so naturally I think of them. But you all thought of me and indeed in a great way. I cannot even explain what this has done for me reading so many words of encouragement, uplifting notes, and soft spoken thoughts.

My husband sat beside me as I read each page rubbing my back trying to help me get through the tearful reading of every thoughtful word. You have deposited courage, strength, and reminded me of how God sees me. I am so thankful for you! I can do this!  I've always carried a quiet nature and particularly addressed those with my smile, but never did I realize how much of an impact my presence had on people. I wish I could literally hug each of you to express how much your thoughts mean to me. I love each & every one of you and with my prayer shawl I will continue to excuse myself in praying for you.

With Sincerity I Thank You....I Thank You!


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