Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Each time I write in this blog my hope is that it reaches someone that needs uplifting & encouragement. My hope is that it reaches someone new that can share with someone else. With this blog particularly I fell on my face before the Lord asking for guidance and a specific message to reach that specific person. In order to hear from the Lord you must quiet yourself, turn the tv off, as well as the cell, and sit patiently until your led to open to that particular scripture and hear what the spirit of the Lord has to say. In doing so, this is what he said:

So there she is alone in the exam room kicking herself because she waited so long, and now it may be to late she believes. There she is hating herself for excusing her morals to satisfy the needs of lustful thoughts. There he is dismissing the need for a relationship with God convincing himself that the relationships with his women are more than enough. There he is with his head hung low carrying the shameful past of his forefathers. In Isaiah 43:1 it says Fear not, for I have redeemed you..Redeemed is to be free from what distresses or harms, so whatever has caused you harm or distress he has made you free. It goes on to say I have called you by your name; you are mine. God blesses the just as well as the unjust and he says I called You by Your name, Yes You, the one who have said/done something once so hurtful that you dare not tell. Yes you! Isn't it awesome that God doesn't dismiss anyone.

Life gets rough it seems at times unfair and just when we think the one thing is over here comes that other thing. However, in verse 2 it says EVEN IF you pass through the waters I will be with you. EVEN IF the waters pass through like the rivers, they shall not overflow you.  EVEN IF there is a rage of fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. He says For I am the Lord your God, before me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after me. In vs.13 it says Indeed before the day was, I am He; That means to me before this diagnosis He was, before your circumstance he was, and long after He will still be.

Further down to vs.18 it says specifically Do Not Remember the Former things, nor consider the things of old. What! So this means EVEN IF  the things I should have done but didn't do, or EVEN IF the things I shouldn't have done, and did, I don't have to stress about? He says Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; and then he asks us a question. Shall you not know it? I love when scripture puts us in position to answer, because we have no answers, so it's really appointed to put us in check! Going back to vs.13 it says And there is no one who can deliver out of my hand; I work, and who will reverse it? That tells me EVEN IF the report shows Stage I,II,III, or IV, EVEN IF the paperwork states Denied, EVEN IF the Employer says not qualified, EVEN IF I have to cry some tears, EVEN IF I have to grieve some losses, EVEN IF I have to regain new strength, EVEN IF I fall I will soon Rise Above It All! Because God says I'm at work, and who will Reverse it? Now you can try if you want to and answer that.

There are Facts this is true, but then there is Faith, and that's what I have, and you sure better have! This specific message was for a specific person not sure if it's you but I presume EVEN IF you took the time to read this, then there's another question answered.
They colored me pink yall, but please know it's for a purpose....Keep smiling because I Do:)