Saturday, October 15, 2011

Wrong Diagnosis!

Who is Nickia?
      On 8/17/2011, I was told Nickia your genetic testing shows a mutation to BRCA1 which explains the reason why you were diagnosed with Breast cancer at such a young age. The Geneologist went on to say, see as we look here at your family tree, understand that Men are mainly the carriers, but the trait could have been passed on from either side, so who do you think this has passed on from? Huh? Though she was completely professional in how she explained everything, and with sincerity, her questions, and explanations were like a mere blur of mumbling words in my mind.
       We ended our session with her saying but Nickia, you are like a hero! Now because of you, your family now knows genetically what's in the family trait. Well I thought this could be true, but I'm more interested in focusing on some other traits that I have inherited.
      So quite interestingly enough recently my mother shared a story with me about this young girl by the name of Eula with long black wavy hair who was stricken with pneumonia in the 1900s.  We all know during those times treatment was limited. So from this illness at her young age little Eula developed the condition known as Kyphosis.(an abnormal curvature of the spine, with a resultant bulge at the upper back) Basically she lived her young years into her adult years always looking at her two feet. As Eula got a little older a young man knocked on her door, and asked her Father for her hand in marriage. Her Father said young man, you see the condition of my child, if you really love her you come back to me in a year, only then may I honor your request.
      Twelve months later there was a knock on the door, the young man said, Now Sir! May I have your daughter as my wife? Eula and the young man married and went on to have 16 children losing two at birth. Imagine that!  Despite her condition he loved her! Despite all the women he passed in that 365 day period he came back for her! So who was this young man and woman by the name of Eula Temple? My Great Grandmother & Great Grandpa! My Great Grandmom & Grandpop gave the word Love a whole new meaning....Genetically I took that kind of LOVE. They birthed a woman by the name of Leola Young who was a woman that could have been in a burning house with all windows & doors locked, and still would have looked you in the face and said "I Believe God!" Genetically I got her FAITH... Her sister who I knew as my Aunt Sister. Everytime I saw her, even in her 80s she wore large hoop earrings with gold bangles...Genetically I got her STYLE...Leola Young birthed Brenda Young which is my mother, one who I know will stand right back up, after being pushed down, fight against opposition and maintain steadfastness...Genetically I got her PERSEVERANCE. My Father which I later learned after his death, had a way with words that made even the most profound poet re-read & ponder...Genetically I am a WRITER. The list goes on & on too many to name for just this blog, but enough said. The DNA was checked from whatever laboratory and Genetics showed +BRCA1. BUT! The fact of the matter is I say: Love+Faith+Style+Perseverance+a Writer ='s A BELIEVER! How? I've learned to be Christ Like so the Love in me no one can take away no matter what YOU do!  No matter what they say, she say, or he say nothing will deter my FAITH! Even with the possibility of losing my hair or breasts nothing will take away my STYLE! I will Fight to the end and determined to win, and I will always WRITE in this blog to let you also know that you CAN! Most will look at situations with such confusion, but God can allow you to see your situation in another perspective. There is nothing that can't be achieved with God on your side. Let him walk with you, and talk with you. I swear it will be the best conversation you will ever have! Remember don't look as me as the Girl with Breast Cancer but see me as The Girl who's A Believer!
She's A Believer!

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