God's word says in Ecclesiastes 3:4 there will be a time for everything that happens in our lives. A
time to weep, and a time to laugh. Though we don't always understand and we weep for that one we held so near, we have to hold on just as close the time God allowed us to laugh. A time is given to mourn and to dance. My prayer is that there is never any resentment towards the Heavenly Father during our time of mourning. It says in John 11:33 that Jesus was deeply moved in spirit & troubled when he saw her weeping & those that came along also that were weeping. It says Jesus wept.
So quite naturally God understands the tears that are shed. God has allowed time for someone to be placed in our life that we have once nurtured, once held, once looked to, and loved with every ounce of our being, so it is natural in every aspect to mourn. But God! I say that because he never leaves us alone in our time of weeping & mourning. He says I, even I, am he who comforts you. There is not one thing that we can do in this life without God. Take refuge in him. Offer unto the Lord your cares, your pain, and hurt, he says to do so and he promised us rest. (Matt 11:28)
Take Gods word for what it is. If he tells us there will be a time to grieve than know that there probably will be, but don't excuse the part that he promises in our time to laugh & dance. Rejoice in that time given to you! He has offered it to us and know that the time will come again when you may laugh & dance for all eternity. All flesh is grass and all its loveliness is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers, the flowers fade but Gods word stands forever.
His word says in 1 Thesselonians 5:11 Therefore comfort each other and edify one another. We don't know when our time comes, or for those that we love when we must leave this earth, but it is crucial that we offer our energy to ourselves & others in loving, building up, cherishing, and most importantly giving. So take back your hand that craves the need to receive.
In Isaiah 40:6 it reads Cry out! And he said, "What shall I cry"? I am sitting humbly before the Lord with that same question. As I continue to sit the tears began to fall from my face as I cry out for you, that you may find peace in your storm, comfort in your time of despair, and one single person that has it in his/her heart to look you in your eyes and tell you that you can make it! Be wise of the time given. The minute that passes in your anger is far too long.
Say what you mean and mean what you say, so if you love them tell them. Have no regrets. Appreciate the time that God allows us and hold on to it with no means of letting go.
He never said we had to.
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