Ecclesiastes 9:11 The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.
In the mist of it all I see myself at the top looking down, and at the finish line looking back. My hands are stretched above my head with a smile on my face which they say is a woman's best curve. Certainly I agree, so therefore the smile has never left my face. Don't get me wrong I have my days when it seems better to just be at a stand still with not much to say, but then I see the faces of my children, and husband which gives me all the reason to rehab those ol' stiffen joints & bones. So I rise again, smile again, dance again, sing again. I am reminded of the plans God has for me so I can't give up nor let up. I can see so clearly of my days ahead far better then those days which I have already lived. That alone is God himself allowing me to see through his eyes. I am grateful for that.
We don't get to pick and choose what we are able to go through in life. We can create our destiny but God has to fulfill it. At times I shock myself. Quite interesting to be at the brink of my beginning, and unexpectedly hit with something that took me back to square one, but still I'm in the runners position. Still I am right there eager to hear the sound of the revolver. The sweat glides down the side of my face, I can hear my heart beat outside of my chest, and my adrenalin is on an all time high as I wait in anticipation.
The nurses smile, and tell me you're almost there, the Doctors state the same. I was even told the ramifications of this time around may seem like there getting worse because of the meds cumulative effects. But my position still stands. They say coming towards the end of all of this is when most people have a sense of anxiety no longer being under the microscope of Doctors, labs, exams, etc., But my position still stands.
I'm right square in the middle of this journey to wellness and in the mist I don't have to find reasons to smile I just do. I don't have to figure out ways to make it, I just will. I don't have to worry about being healed, I am. There has been hard nights, weary days, and back & forth doctor appointments but in the mist of it all I'm making it. Yes, there will be further surgeries, but just to add it's finishing touches. I have been completely made over but I'm so glad it hasn't been just an outside job. Internally I have been re-decorated to match my outer appearance, because God never leaves a job half way done and especially undone.
I've been saying from the beginning "I'll be the example of what God can do" and still my position stands. As a believer in Christ it is known we don't prepare for sprints but yet marathons. I'm coming with the torch because my job is to pass it on, be ready to grab hold and push it forward as you run along....On your march....Get set...I don't know about you but I heard the sound of the revolver!
Gods arms are wrapped around you sister. Keep the good words coming! You Rock! I'm always here for ya!
ReplyDeleteYour Brotha,
Thank you my brotha!!